
Hello there! I’m an ambitious undergraduate student at IIT Bombay, where I’m pursuing a major in Materials Science, complemented by a minor in Computer Science and Engineering.

One of my primary interests is Natural Language Processing (NLP), and I find it fascinating how machines can be trained to understand and respond to natural language. To keep my knowledge sharp and up-to-date, I regularly immerse myself in the latest AI research and advancements. Outside of AI, I have a passion for backend development. I find fulfillment in architecting robust and scalable systems.

In addition to my coursework, I actively take on projects and leadership roles. I am leading a 20+ developer team at DevCom, and have spearheaded the creation of platforms like ResoBin.

I’m constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities to expand my skills. I’m drawn to tough technical problems and am self-driven when it comes to learning. With my academic training, hands-on experiences, and enthusiasm, I’m excited to continue growing as a developer and AI specialist.

Research Experience

  • Worked under Dr. Qiongkai Xu, University of Melbourne. I investigated on various attacks that can be executed on NLP models, including data poisoning, adversarial examples, and model inversion attacks and developed strategies to mitigate security risks.
  • Worked under Prof. Syaamantak Das, IIT Bombay on the topic of Educational Text translation: A Cognitive Informativity-based approach where I worked on finding new techniques to measure the accuracy of machine translation.

Professional Experience

  • Incoming Product Engineering Intern at Adobe
  • Student Trainee at AIShield, Bosch, Bangalore, India, I thoroughly studied existing Evasion Attacks on Tabular Data using ML Models, gaining insights for research. I devised a novel evasion technique for tabular data, surpassing current methods and achieving superior scores. This innovation led to a patent application submission at Bosch, showcasing its uniqueness. Currently, I am actively crafting a research paper on the same technique, demonstrating my expertise in the field of AI Security.
  • Machine Learning Intern at senzcraft, Kolkata, India, I implemented the Human in the Loop (HITL) methodology across all existing products, leading to significant improvements in results.


  • B.Tech, IIT Bombay, 2025 (expected)
  • High School, Don Bosco Park Circus, Kolkata, 2021


If you are working on a project and believe I could be of assistance, contact me here.